Puppy Love Pet Rescue

Why a rescue and not a breeder or a Puppy Store?
Over 4 million animals are killed each year in shelters.The #1 reason to adopt from a rescue group is that you are not promoting the over breeding and inhumane conditions so many dogs from backyard breeders or Puppy Mills endure. Most puppies at a Puppy Store come from Puppy Mills. If people would stop buying them, they will stop breeding them. To them it’s all about the money, not the dogs. [About Puppy Mills] Rescue dogs come to us in a variety of ways: many of the dogs are surrendered by their owners; others are from unwanted litters because pets were not spayed or neutered; many are dumped or lost and unclaimed from a shelter. Regardless of where they came from, they deserve a home where they can love and be loved. They are grateful for a second chance at life and are happy to show you every day of their lives. Talk to someone who has adopted a dog, they will tell you it is the best pet they ever had.There is no reason to spend hundreds of dollars on a dog with “papers”. You are not a breeder and your pets should be spayed or neutered to prevent over population and for the long term health benefits for your pet.Puppy Love’s top priority are the animals in our care. We charge a small fee to cover the costs of caring for the pets and providing vaccinations and medical care. We donate our time, energy and homes to these precious dogs and cats until their forever homes can be found. We take great care in selecting the dogs forever home. We hope that you will choose the option to ADOPT before you buy a dog.
Where can I get reliable information about Lyme Disease?
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection. The bacteria exists in the bodies of live animals and is spread from one animal to another.
Lyme disease can affect individual pets differently. Some animals may display no symptoms. Others may develop fever, loss of appetite, painful joints, lethargy, and vomiting. If left untreated, Lyme disease may damage the eyes, heart, kidneys, and nervous system.
Infected dogs may be lethargic, have a poor/loss of appetite, or a fever (103° - 105 ° F). Dogs may also show signs of lameness such as shifting from one limb to another, fatigue, kidney damage or failure, heart disorders, or neurologic involvement, which displays as aggression, confusion, overeating, seizures. Dogs can be infected with the Lyme bacteria but not exhibit any noticeable symptoms to their owners.
Cats may show lameness, fever, loss of appetite, fatigue, eye damage, unusual breathing, or signs of heart difficulty. As with dogs, some cats will not show noticeable symptoms.
How can you protect your pet?
Apply a topical flea and tick topical treatment monthly. Not all topical treatments guard against ticks. Make sure the one you choose does.
You must check your pet regularly for ticks. Have a tool for removing ticks handy such as a tick scoop or tweezers.
Bloat or Gastric Dilation Volvulus (GDV) in Dogs
Bloat is a condition most dog owners have heard of but many don't know what it is or how to recognize when it has happened in their pet. Bloat tends to occur in large, barrel chested breeds such as Great Danes, German Shepherds, Greyhounds, some Pointers, etc. However, it can occur in any dog regardless of size or breed. The GDV syndrome happens when the stomach can not empty properly and becomes enlarged with gas, food or fluid or all three. This expansion can proceed (like a balloon being inflated) to cause the stomach to rotate, which further worsens the situation. Most typically, the stomach becomes bloated with gas. The danger to the dog increases with time, as the stomach may twist on itself, which will cut off the blood supply to the stomach tissue. Once this happens, emergency surgery is needed. The cause is unknown as to why the stomach cannot empty in the first place. There is no way to completely prevent bloat but dog owners may take the following steps to reduce the risks:
1. Try to feed several small meals a day rather than one large one. Dogs who eat only once a day will frequently gulp their food quickly, which causes them to ingest excess air.
2. Restrict exercise before and after eating.
3. Feed the dog from a raised dish.
Take your dog to the vet immediately (be sure you always know the number for the local 24 hour veterinarian) if your dog exhibits the following symptoms of bloat:
1. Excessive salivating
2. Restlessness
3. Labored breathing
4. Stomach is distended and hard
5. Vomiting
The key to a dog surviving a battle with bloat is fast action by the owner. If you suspect your dog may have bloat, take the trip to the vet IMMEDIATELY. An immediate exam by your vet may prevent the condition from continuing to the stage where the bloated stomach twists on itself. Chances of recovery beyond this stage are slim.